Friday, May 04, 2007

My Shameless Self-Promotion

Click away now if you don't want to read about my shameless self-promotion....okay don't say I didn't warn ya! I just received the May/June issue of Altered Arts Magazine and it has a wonderful interview/article written by Clara on Outside The Margins and me as an artist...not only that my Color Mists were featured in the Hot Products Whooohooo! if none of the above gets you excited to buy it (can't say as I blame you really LOL since its all about me) but there is a great article and examples of movable ATCS and a wonderful article on Kid's Altered Books.
If your interested in ordering the May/June issue click the following link:


  1. Waaay cool, Aileen. I ordered the magazine and look forward to reading about you. Also, I loved the bird card you did (those color mists swhould bring you fame and fortune).

  2. Kudos, Aileen! Congrats on the recognition that you deserve!!

    You go, Girl!
    Flaurella ~

  3. Yea! Congratulations, Aileen! I am a subscriber, so I can't wait to see my copy when I get home from Art & Soul.


  4. Right on! If anyone deserves this, it's YOU! And if anyone needs a royal recommendation about the Color Mists - they have become a staple in creations lately. I've had to hide them from the Princess because she's obsessed with them, too! Congrats!

  5. AWESOME!!!! And kinda awesome for me, too, as my "fairy princess" book is in this issue, on pages 34-35 :) Of course, I noted OTM in a couple of product specifications. 'Love that copper :)
