Thanks to my friend Kris, I finally created a
glass sculpture out of old vases, plates, jars
and goblets!I started this at my her
house and finished it at home with blue
cobalt pieces I've collected through
the years. Click
HERE to view
my friend Kris' glass sculputres.
Creating glass sculptures I liken it to playing
(do you remember that game?).
The problem is that there a gazzillion
ways of stacking, unstacking, and rearranging
your pieces! If you think you will remember
how you stacked it, you probably won't!
If you're anything like my friend and I, and
you have a bad memory like we do, my
suggestion is to make sure to take a
picture before you unstack and glue
your pieces together.
Here's a close up of the top part.
The glass star is a stopper from
a bottle I have. The round the
base of it are blue marbles. I
adhered it it in 3 sections using
waterproof silicone.
For more glass sculpture ideas
check out my Pinterest board