Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Freebie Flower Postcard

I spent the afternoon yesterday freshening up some metal flowers I had that were pretty badly rusted.  Once I cleaned them off I watered down some Golden's Paints and painted over what rust and blemishes that was left.  I didn't mind that some of it showed through I think it gave them more character.  Then I of course sealed them with what else but my trusty PYM II spray. As always it seems like I didn't think to take a before picture but here's an older picture of them in my bathtub planter.

Freebie Postcard
(right click, download, and printer)

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  1. Wonderfully happy! Love to see you're using PYMII for a project like this. I love it for using on polymer clay and wire jewelry, but it sure can be used on a ton of other things as well. Hope your flowers have a long an happy life in your garden!
