Here's a fun canvas I finished up the other day.
I created the background using my new
Electrifying Neon Color Mists
hen used paint pens for the wording.
I created the background by layering the Neon Color Mists then allowing the colors to drip. I would then let it drive for a bit on it's own and then finish drying with the heating gun. After a couple of layers I sprinkled salt over the wet Color Mists and allowed it to dry and then added more color and then dried again..once it was completely dry I brushed off most of the salt but some of it remained which I thought was great it added texture to the piece. Once I was happy with my background I sealed it with PYMII before I added the lettering with the paint pens.
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Pretty! Lucky you - you write beautifully. I can't for the life of me make anything look decent. These are really gorgeous.